I’ve spent much of my life feeling
angry. I’ve been angry about things that have happened to me and mine
that were under no one’s control, that were unfortunate circumstance. I
could never find a way to process the anger or sadness or other feelings and
put them behind me.
Days innumerable have been spent in
the fog of anger, of rage. Of absolute negativity. Of the inability
to believe or hope good things would come my way – or if they had, to see or
appreciate them.
I’ve been too busy being angry, being
determined to be angry to realize that continuing that path has kept the bad in
a beeline for me.
While it’s a hard habit to break, I’m
determined to do it. And I am doing it. Baby steps are still
progress, no matter how little.
I’ve spoken of hope before, but I
spoke of it in a meaningless way, sort of the way you’d talk about unicorns.
It’s a lovely thought, but you don’t really believe they exist.
I’m beginning to believe. Not
in unicorns, mind you, but of hope. That it does exist, that it is real,
that having it can make life change.
This year has held many dark days for
me but they were days I had to convince myself would end.
Without the dark, you’d never be able
to see the stars.
If the bad hadn’t happened to me, I
wouldn’t be here now.
I’ve changed my mindset, changed my
While I certainly didn’t enjoy the
bad, without it, the good that’s present now wouldn’t be here. The bad
has led me to the good.
I can choose to worry about the
things I cannot control, or I can accept them and move on. I can choose
to be a slave to anxiety, or I can count my blessings and be grateful.
Life isn’t perfect. It never
is. But this life is about acknowledging what you have – good or bad –
and doing what you can with it. And we only get one chance. I don’t
want to live the way I’d been living anymore. I want good things, I want
happiness, I want hope, I want love and family. You have to believe in
them, fervently believe they are possible and that you deserve them. And,
I’m finding out, if you believe, if you repeat over and over, they will come to
We must choose happiness over the
anger every day. Every morning we wake up, we must make a choice to let
fear or happiness reign. We must choose to believe.
maybe I believe in unicorns too. But only a little.