Friday, August 2, 2013

The Guy Who Met His Girlfriend on Twitter

Some may find it absurd to say that a social networking site could change your life, especially one that limits your interactions to 140 characters or less. Well, I am here to tell you that it isn’t absurd at all. It happened to me and for the first time in years I have joy and the ability to actually look forward to me future.

It all started April 27th 2009. That is the date, after months of ridiculing the basis of the site, that I joined Twitter. Once I joined my account remained pretty much dormant for nearly a year. Jump ahead to February of 2010. At this point I decide to begin finding people based on one specific, and not widely shared, common interest. What was this interest? It was Mystery Science Theater 3000.

If you are not familiar Mystery Science Theater 3000, or MST3K for short, was a television series based on the premise of a man and his robots stuck in space, watching and making fun of horrible movies. It is simply the greatest thing ever to grace cable television…but I digress.

One of the first people I came across who shared a common love for MST3K was witty, kind, thought provoking, and very funny. You know, just my kind of person. Through her posts I met and followed several more people who loved MST3K, and had other things in common with me. Some of these were through something on Twitter known as Follow Friday or better known by the “hashtag” #FF. 

It was sometime in late March or early April of 2009 that I was surprised and honored to see that I had been added to one of her  #FF Tweets. I didn’t think a lot of it at the time, other than it was cool that she thought enough of me to include me. It would be sometime before I would find out just how import that mention was. It would be nearly two years before I, and others would realize that Tweet had set in motion events that would forever change my life for the better.

Sometime later that Friday I was followed by another fellow “MSTie”. I looked at the profile and instantly noticed how beautiful she was. (I am a guy after all!) I also was quick to notice that other than MST3K we also shared a lot of other common interests. I was quick to follow back and add her to the small but ever growing list of people I was following on Twitter.

Right from the onset she became one of the people I most looked forward to reading tweets from each day. Her quick wit and great sense of humor always had me looking forward to what she may post next. We would reply here and there to each other’s Tweets and generally have some random laughs together. When one was sick, the other would send a wish of “get well soon”. It was a very relaxed friendship. That being said, the more I got to know about her online, the more intrigued I became. Something told me there was something special about this person. There was something about her that made me want to know her more.

Over the months we spoke more and more. Through each other’s ups and downs a friendship was formed, a relationship was growing. Outside of all the pop culture and media interests we shared, there were more personal similarities in our lives. Things we hadn’t been able to speak of with other people. Sharing these similar threads in our personal lives just helped to bring us ever closer. We knew that neither of us was happy in our current lives. We also both felt like that wasn’t going to change at any point soon.  There was much being hidden from the online community that we were only sharing with each other.

Then came March 23, 2011. She and I were talking about any number of things through DM, when I happened to mention that I had been “crushing on her for some time now.” To my surprise she said that she had been feeling the same and had wanted to talk to me on the phone to hear my voice. That one phone call was all it took to send things spiraling out of control…in the best possible way!

Within 3 months I had moved from Idaho to Iowa, for a woman I had to that point never met in person. We knew we were crazy, but we also knew we had never been so certain of anything in our entire lives. Nearly seven months have passed, and you have never seen two people so in love. Every day is better for having her in my life. I now have a love that I had never even dreamed was possible. A life forever changed for the better, all thanks to a 140 character or less social network known as Twitter.

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